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New & Exciting Disaster Cost Recovery Projects

Now in bookstores everywhere: "Fighting With FEMA" a comprehensive book about FEMA's Public Assistance program, published by Rutledge.

We just reviewed the RFP for an Orange County, CA agency's Debris Management contract.

We've reviewed a debris management contract extension for a large Southern California county to ensure compliance with 2 CFR, Part 200.

We've provided pro bono teleconference assistance to two Texas counties in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

We've assisted numerous local government agencies with starting up their cost recovery process following their Presidential disaster declarations from 2013 through 2018.

Covid-19 Remote Consulting.  We provided teleconference and webinar consulting and training for cities, counties, and eligible non-profit organizations across the country during this extraordinary national pandemic

We're working with the Institute for Sustainable Development as a Fellow and Senior Advisor for State and Local
Disaster Recovery Issues, particularly in North Carolina.

We're always developing new workshops and currently working on some major upgrades to the "Cost Recovery Tool Box"

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